
HPLC Method for Quantification of Mycotoxins in Animal Matrices, Food, and Feed

HPLC Method for Quantification of Mycotoxins in
Animal Matrices, Food, and Feed

By Maria Ofitserova1 and Sareeta Nerkar2

Pickering Laboratories, Inc., USA
1280 Space Park Way, Mountain View, CA 94043

Mycotoxins are naturally occurring, secondary metabolites of molds and fuuui and are common contaminants of food and feed commodities. They have various adverse effects on human and animal health. Mycotoxin-contaminated feeds often contain multiple mycotoxins. Production of mycotoxins depends on the type of the matrix, as well as growing, harvesting and storage conditions. The present method is capable of analyzing DON, Aflatoxins, Fumonisins, Ochratoxin A, and Zearalenone in a single run using HPLC with post column and photochemical using fluorescence and UV detection. This method and instrumentation allow for quick and interference-free detection of Aflatoxins at the low ppb level. We developed a simple, sensitive and robust HPLC method to analyze Aflatoxins in peanut butter, ground peanuts and in herbs and spices.

Fumonisins are a group of naturally occurring Mycotoxins produced by Fusarium moniliforme that grows on corn and other commodities. Fumonisins are suspected human carcinogens and are toxic to pigs, poultry, and horses. Many countries set limits on the presence of Fumonisins in foods and feed and testing of raw crops, as well as finished products, is done on a regular basis. FDA sets total Fumonisins limits in human foods between 2-4 ug/g and in animal feed between 5-100 ug/g. Since Fumonisins do not have a chromophore and do not fluoresce, derivatization is needed to achieve the required sensitivity of detection.

We have developed a fast and sensitive HPLC method with post-column derivatization that is capable of analyzing Fumonisins in grains and animal feed at levels as low as 0.01 ug/g with a shorter run time.


Holiday Closure

Pickering Labs will be Closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents’ Day. Normal business operations will resume on February 18th, 2025.