Pickering Laboratories

Quiz #45 – Amino Acids Rising Baseline

Quiz #45 – Amino Acids Rising Baseline

In this fast amino acids chromatogram (method abstract here), you will see a rising baseline at the time of injection. What is contributing to this baseline artifact? You will find an example of the rising baseline below along with Onyx PCX pump pressure trace.  

Closeup of the rising baseline at time of injection

Submit your answers to rsmith@pickeringlabs.com by November 15, 2024.

Announcing the winners of our previous quiz, Chromatography Quiz #44 – Amino Acids Noisy Baseline

Pickering Laboratories would like to congratulate the winners for our previous newsletter’s Chromatography Quiz: Jeff Fan from Thermo Fisher Scientific, Thomas Schneider from SCWA, Narjes Ghafoori from Los Angeles County Public Health Laboratory, and Josiah Hakala from Minnesota Department of Health.

They have won, and will shortly be receiving: Best Bloody Mary Mix Gift Box

Congratulations to our quiz winners!  Thank you all for your submissions!

Chromatography Quiz #44 Solution:

In this amino acids chromatogram per European Pharmacopeia (method abstract here), you will see a noisy baseline with repetitive sinusoidal noise pattern (green and blue). What is contributing to this baseline noise?


Question: What is causing the baseline noise?

Correct answer:

In this case, the noise in the baseline was caused by the HPLC pump. The seal/needle wash bottle had dried up, causing abnormal pressure fluctuations and leading to sinusoidal spikes in the baseline.

Pinnacle Obsolescence Update

Pinnacle Obsolescence Update

Dear Valued Customer,

Please note that the Pinnacle has not been in production since the year 2020. We will continue to maintain replacement parts and support the Pinnacle PCX until January 1, 2030.

The Onyx PCX is our sleek next generation upgrade to the Pinnacle and it delivers the same seamless operation and optimized analysis each and every time you run a sample. Replacing the Pinnacle, the Onyx PCX is the latest addition to our integrated family of post-column derivatization instruments, chemistry and support instrumentation.

The Onyx PCX is amazingly simple and intuitive, producing results you can rely on. Its reliable performance, elegant design, ease of use, and minimal maintenance make it the optimal Post-column system for research and analytical testing laboratories, as well as pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The Onyx PCX is capable of connecting to an array of HPLC units to meet your testing needs. Pickering Laboratories still offers the only instrumentation optimized for the analysis of Amino Acids, Carbamates, Glyphosate, Mycotoxins, Antibiotics and many other applications.

Pickering Laboratories commitment to quality and providing customers with technical solutions means that we maintain a robust application-specific quality system, testing every instrument and consumable exactly as our customer will be using our products.  It also means we pride ourselves in being a leader in innovation by developing, producing, and delivering safe, effective, high quality post-column instruments and consumables that meet or exceed our customer expectations, on time, every time. We achieve these objectives through our chemists’ precision and expertise as well as adopting industry best practices and operating in the spirit of continuous improvement.

To learn more about the new Onyx PCX please consider reading our exciting new brochure!

Please contact Pickering Laboratories Support at (650)694-6700, (800)654-3330, or support@pickeringlabs.com if you have any questions.


David Mazawa

Technical Support Chemist
Pickering Laboratories, Inc.

Happy 25th Work Anniversary to Severo!

Happy 25th Work Anniversary to Severo!!

By Christopher Nguyen

Dedication to one’s role is exemplified by the staff member we celebrated this summer. Severo Muñoz has been with Pickering Laboratories since 1999 and he is one of the most seasoned veterans on our team. Severo is “The Guy” in Pickering’s shipping department, and he’s been responsible for our shipping and receiving for 25 strong years.

As days turned into months, and months turned into years, Severo has been the living-breathing embodiment of dedication and hard work. He is respected by his colleagues for the attitude he brings to work each day and he is a role model for many in the lab. He is a respected father, coworker and friend.

From Pickering’s long-standing history of sending specialty instruments around the globe, to IATA regulations for shipping dangerous goods, Severo is truly an expert in these fields and everything in between. He is an open book of knowledge for those who are willing to ask, and trust us when we say, he is easy to ask. Dependable and approachable, Severo is an overall great human being. Myself and the Pickering team wanted to shine a spotlight on you, Severo. You deserve it!

I would also like to mention that he drives a 400 horse power Charger to the lab! The way he maintains his vehicle is reflective of his work at Pickering – impeccable.

Thank you for your 25 years of continued service, Mr. Muñoz!

Past and Upcoming Tradeshows – Fall 2024

Past and Upcoming Tradeshows – Fall 2024

By: Kevin McKeown


Hot off the heels of AOAC International and the Wearable Technologies conferences, Pickering Labs is going to have a busy exhibition schedule for the next few months!  And I’m here to report that we’re absolutely enjoying being on the road and getting the chance to catch up with customers.

First, let’s recap a few recent tradeshows:

  • Traveling to Baltimore, our Technical Support Manager, David Mazawa, and Senior Research Chemist, Dr. Maria Ofitserova, recently attended the AOAC International Conference. Maryland’s famous crabcakes set the scene for our introduction of conveniently packaged mobile phase and reagent consumables for the post-column derivatization HPLC method for PSP/PCOX (Paralytic Shellfish Toxins) analysis.

As warmer ocean temperatures continue to impact global fisheries, we support labs that are ramping up analytical testing to eliminate the use of the traditional Mouse Bioassay for testing Paralytic Shellfish Poisons in a variety of mussels and clams.

At this show, we focused on our Product Testing Solutions (aka Artificial Body Fluids), which are used to test various consumer products for quality and safety. We learned a great deal about the growing Wearable Technologies market and subcategories of wearables such as “Hearables”, a hot topic due to the introduction of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids. It is clear that Wearables will continue to rapidly evolve and play an important role in the healthcare industry. This conference had the added advantage of being the very first show in over 40 years that was walking distance from Pickering’s HQ in Mountain View; hosted at the super cool Computer History Museum!


Next up for our world travelers:

  • In early October, Sales Manager, Kevin McKeown, will be traveling to beautiful Savannah, Georgia for the Textile Discovery Summit: https://www.aatcc.org/summit/

This is always a show that we look forward to, as it gives us the opportunity to meet with both existing and new customers in the textile market.  This year’s highlights will include our new Synthetic Blood solutions (perfect for stain and penetration testing!) and tons of conversation about colorfastness.

  • In late October, Kevin and Maria will be headed up to Portland, Maine for our first attendance and sponsoring of the 12th Annual Symposium on Harmful Algae: https://neiwpcc.org/events/ushab12/ .

The primary topic here for Pickering will be our capabilities around Shellfish/PCOX testing methodology.  We have the instrumentation (and now consumables!) that enables laboratories to test rapidly and confidently for the presence of Toxins in Shellfish, with the added bonus that no mice will be harmed in the process!

If you are attending either conference, or in the area, please let us know!  We would be happy to discuss our new products with you, or just catch up on how your business has been in 2024.


Synthetic Blood In Action!

Synthetic Blood In Action

By: Kevin McKeown


Since our introduction of Synthetic Blood solutions, we have been keenly interested in learning about our customers and their various use cases.  From stain resistance to artificial heart valve testing, we have heard about a lot of really cool applications.  And as this new product continues to expand, hopefully we’ll have more stories like this one to tell!

One of our Synthetic Blood customers is Sameer Patel from the Detmold Group in Australia.  Sameer is a Laboratory Technician and he’s using our Synthetic Blood for penetration testing on PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).  This technique uses specially-designed Blood Splatter equipment that puts on quite a show!  Our Synthetic Blood is loaded into the instrument and ejected at a high velocity onto the surgical mask, gown, or other PPE, for the purpose of emulating a real-life situation.  The piece of PPE is then judged on whether or not it meets the permeability requirements of the particular ASTM testing method that the customer is following.  In Sameer’s case, he is using our Synthetic Blood that conforms to ASTM F1862 and ASTM F1670M.

Sameer’s has been kind enough to share some photos of our Synthetic Blood In-Action:

Introduction – Fall 2024 Newsletter

By: Kevin McKeown

Another summer has passed and we are VERY happy to be returning to your inboxes in this fall edition of the Pickering Labs Newsletter.  We have a little bit of everything to share, from a milestone 25th work anniversary to exciting new products!  Also included are a few articles on our Synthetic Blood (just in time for Halloween!) and an update on our Pinnacle instrument.

We start things off with a look at the Updated Blood Product Abstract.  This piece of literature has a few notable additions.  We have updated our product formulations to match the latest ASTM F1819-19 methods (1700-0720 and 1700-0729), and added two brand-new solutions that conform to ISO 16603.  Finally, we brought back a “fan favorite” in our 3.8 cSt blood, which has a viscosity close to actual human blood.

Next, we get a cool look at a customer’s testing practices in Synthetic Blood in Action.  Sameer Patel, of Detmold Group in Australia, has been kind enough to give us some action shots on how he’s using our Blood solutions in his lab!  Really fun stuff and a big thanks to Sameer. 

Saji George gives us some exciting Paralytic Shellfish Poisons (PSP) updates in the newest Reagent Bulletin for PSP Consumables.  These reagents and mobile phase buffers are vital for Paralytic Shellfish/PCOX testing and enable customers using an Onyx or Vector PCX to use trusted consumables to help them more quickly run this important testing method. 

What would any newsletter be without some mention of Past and Upcoming Shows!  From coast-to-coast, you can find us at tradeshows and scientific conferences, focusing both on our Post-Column and PTS (Artificial Body Fluids) products.  We have pictures from the first tradeshow that we’ve ever walked to, practically next door in our Mountain View neighborhood (Wearable Technologies) along with news on two upcoming shows in October: AATCC in Savannah, GA and the Harmful Algae Symposium in Portland, ME.

In our most exciting article of this newsletter, we are honored to celebrate our long-term employee, Severo Munoz, in Severo’s 25th Work Anniversary!  You would be forgiven if you thought Severo looks WAY too young to be celebrating this milestone, but we promise he really has been here for this long!  Severo is a vital part of the company, but most customers never get to meet him.  So, we’re excited to make introductions as we send our ‘cheers’ his way!  He’s helped us grow, particularly internationally, with his unparalleled expertise in Shipping.

Finally, we have a note about the eventual retirement of our Pinnacle instrument in Pinnacle Obsolescence.  There is no need to fear, as we’ll still be supporting this instrument until January 1, 2030.  As many have probably already found out, we have the next generation Onyx instrument as the replacement for our beloved Pinnacle.

Finally, don’t forget to enter your submission for our Chromatography Quiz!  Just as in the last edition, David has cooked up another fun Amino Acids Analysis challenge, but this time it’s all about a Rising Baseline.  Congratulations to our prior winners and best of luck to our new participants this quarter!

Quiz – Winter 2024

Quiz #44 – Amino Acids Noisy Baseline

In this amino acids chromatogram per European Pharmacopeia (method abstract here), you will see a noisy baseline with repetitive sinusoidal noise pattern (green and blue). What is contributing to this baseline noise?

Submit your answers to rsmith@pickeringlabs.com by March 15, 2024.


Announcing the winners of our previous quiz, Chromatography Quiz #43 – Polyether Antibiotics

Pickering Laboratories would like to congratulate the winners for our previous newsletter’s Chromatography Quiz #42: Josiah Hakala from Minnesota Department of Health, Narjes Ghafoori from Los Angeles County Public Health Laboratory, and Thomas Schneider from SCWA. 

In celebration of our polyether antibiotics method and decades-long relationship supporting the animal feed industry, our quiz winners will each soon be receiving: a beautiful custom cutting board, designed and made by family-owned Trujillo Ranch and sold via Etsy! 

This personalized cherry wood cutting board with a highland cow is 11 x 17 and approximately an inch thick.

Congratulations to our quiz winners!  Thank you all for your submissions!


Chromatography Quiz #43 Solution:

Polyether Antibiotics are commonly used for preventing coccidiosis and other infections in poultry and for improving feed efficiency for beef cattle and swine. The use of Polyether Antibiotics is strictly regulated, with only specific ionophores approved for use in feeds intended for different animals.

Analysis of Polyether Antibiotics by HPLC with post-column derivatization and UV/Vis detection has been proven to successfully identify and quantify Monensin, Narasin and Salinomycin in medicated feeds, supplements and premixes as well as to determine trace contamination levels in non-medicated feeds.

Post-column derivatization of Polyether Antibiotics is done using highly acidic Vanillin or DMAB reagents. The Onyx PCX derivatization system (Pickering Laboratories, Inc.) has an inert flow path and automated system wash capabilities that make it uniquely suitable for handling corrosive reagents. The two-pump system is recommended to extend reagent stability, but the single-pump system for this application is also available.

Adding a Fluorescence detector to the instrumentation allows for using the same extraction procedure and HPLC conditions to also determine Lasalocid, which doesn’t require post-column derivatization.

The method details can be found on our website here.


Question: What could be contributing to the loss of signal?

Correct answer:

In this case, the loss of signal was due to incorrect plumbing of the post-column system. Our Polyether Antibiotics systems are plumbed so that Reagents 1 and 2 will premix before reacting with the analytes of interest in the heated reaction coil. Both reagents and heat are required to have a sufficient post-column reaction. You can mix reagents 1 and 2 ahead of time and only use one reagent pump to deliver, however, the reagent is unstable. We can extend the stability of the reagent by mixing them “on the fly” in this manner.

Our incorrect plumbing had Reagent 1 mixing with the analytes of interest in the heated reaction coil before it had a chance to mix with Reagent 2, which contains our Vanillin reagent.


The typical flow diagram for the Polyether Antibiotics post-column system is shown here:

Good Chromatogram:

Bad Chromatogram:

Guaranteed Chemistry