Product Obsoletion Notice:
18ECG001 Guard Cartridge Holder with 3 guard cartridges (Obsolete)
18ECG002 Guard Cartridges, pack of 3 (Obsolete)
Effective: 16 Oct 2023
Dear valued customer,
Please take note that part numbers 18ECG001 and 18ECG002 are no longer available. We are, however, able to offer a different Reverse Phase Guard solution. Unfortunately, the new Reverse Phase Guard Cartridges are not the same size as the 18ECG002 and are not backwards compatible. A new set of holder and cartridge are required when moving to the new 4.3mm format. Both are comparable in performance and can be used for the same methodologies. Cartridges should be replaced every 3 months or 300 injections.
The new part numbers are listed below:
3106-0578 Reverse Phase Guard Holder with 3 cartridges 4.3mm
3106-0579 Reverse Phase Guard Cartridge, 4.3mm, pack of 2
The following Application kits will now include 3106-0578 instead of 18ECG001:
0352-0002 Carbamate Pesticides Analysis Kit, 23+ Compounds
0352-0003 Carbamate Pesticides Analysis Kit, for EPA Method 531.1
0352-0004 Carbamate Pesticides Analysis Kit, for AOAC Method 985.23
0352-0009 Carbamate Pesticides Analysis Kit, for EPA Method 531.2
0352-0053 Multi-Residue Mycotoxin Kit
0352-0050 Aflatoxin Analysis Kit
0352-0051 Polyether Antibiotics Kit
Please contact Pickering Laboratories Support at +1 (650) 694-6700, or if you have any questions.