Distributor List
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AGS Analitica S.A.
Bauness 2351 1º C (C1431DNS)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel: 54-11-4524-7247
Fax: 54-11-4524-7247 (2)
Email: info@agsanalitica.com
Website: www.agsanalitica.com
Omnilab srl
Virrey Arredondo 2850
Buenos Aires, 1426 Argentina
Tel: 54-11-4553-1100
Fax: 54-11-4555-1584
Email: info@omnilab.com.ar
Analytical Technologies S.A.
Avda. Cordoba 1131
C1055AAB, Capital Federal
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel: +54-11-4814-4445
Fax: +54-11-4814-4445
Email: info@analytical-tech.com
Thermofisher Scientific Australia
5 Caribbean Drive
Scoresby, Victoria, 3179 Australia
Tel: 1300-735-292
Fax: 1800-067-639
Email: auinfo@thermofisher.com
Website: www.thermofisher.com.au
A.I. Scientific Pty. Ltd.
10-22 Hornibrook Esplanade
Clontarf, Qld, 4019 Australia
Tel: 61-7-3105-5000
Fax: 61-7-3283-7933
Email: aimail@aiscientific.com
Website: www.aiscientific.com
Walker Scientific
Postal Address:
PO Box 548, Joondalup DC WA 6919
Delivery Address:
5 Cyane Way, Currambine, WA 6028
Tel: +61 (0)8 9409-3853
Mobile: 0408422188
Fax: +61 (0)8 9305-4318
Email: graeme@walkerscientific.com.au
Website: www.walkerscientific.com.au
Sistemas Analíticos SRL
Calle Barachavi 138- Casilla de Correo 2853-Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
Tel: ++591 3 351 6298
Fax: ++591 3 311 9209
Email: cmontes@sistemasanaliticos.com.bo
Website: www.sistemasanaliticos.com.bo
Rua Charles Darwin, 483
Vila Sta Catarina
Sao Paul – SP CEP. 04379-060
Tel: 55-11-5670-2510
Fax: 55-11-5670-2522
Email: cromatec@cromatec.com.br
Website: www.cromatec.com.br
Interprise Instrumentos Analiticos Ltda.
Rua Maria Das Dores
Leal de Queiroz, 784
Paulina, SP 131400-000 Brasil
Tel: 55-19-3874-7147
Fax: 55-19-3874-7140
Chemetric Instrumentacao Analitica Ltda
Estr. Dos Bandeirantes 1430/201
Jacarepagua, Rio de Janeiro
CEP 22710-113 – RJ, Brasil
Tel: 55-21-2426-6236 / 6251
Email: chemetric@chemetric.com.br
Website: www.chemetric.com.br
Rua Assungui, 432
04131-000 – São Paulo, SP
Tel: +55 11 2162 8080
Fax: + 55 11 2162 8081
Email: adriene.sandoval@novanalitica.com.br
Website: www.analiticaweb.com.br
UnitechUSA Brasil
R. Bertolino de Souza, 62, Vl. União Campinas/SP – CEP: 13060-789 – Brasil Tel. +55-19-4062-8230
FAX: +55-19-4062-8230
Email: celso@unitechusa.com
Website: http://www.unitechusa.com
Agilent Technologies
Alameda Araguaia, 1142
Alphaville Barueri
Sao Paulo, 06455-940 Brasil
Tel: 55-11-7297-3776
Fax: 55-11-7297-3798
Merck S.A.,
Estrada dos Bandeirantes, 1099
Cep: 22710-571
Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil
Tel: +55 (21) 2444-2000
Fax: 2445-2263
Website: www.merck.com.br
Chromatographic Specialties Inc.
PO Bag 1150, 300 Laurier Blvd.
Brockville, Ontario K6V 5W1
Tel: 800-267-8103
Fax 613-342-1144
Email: sales@chromspec.com
Equilab Ltda.
San Isidro 1839
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 56-2-5569974
Fax: 56-2-5514006
Email: ventas2@equilab.cl
China & Hong Kong Territories
LWL Development Ltd.
Room 1920-21, Metro Centre II
21 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay
Koowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 852-27572332
Fax: 852-27573811
Email: lwlltlhk@netvigator.com
Agilent Technologies
Asia Pacific Service Centre
CSA for Life Science &
Chemical Analysis Group
Tel: 65-62157607
Fax: 65-62157925
Toll-free for China:
Tel: 800-810-0712
Fax: 800-810-0717
Agilent Technologies Shanghai Branch
12 F Novel Building, No. 887, Huaihai
Zhong Road, Shanghai, 200020 China
Tel: 86-21-64456247
Fax: 86-21-64747708
Tegent Technologies Ltd.
Room 2602-05, Westin Centre,
26 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 852-2759-2182
Fax: 852-2758-3830
Email: tegent@netvigator.com
Ameritech Scientific (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
RM519 No.8 Huatian Road
Huayuan Industrial Park
Nankai Distric, Tianjin P.R.
China P.C.:300384
Tel: 022-83718395/6/7/8
General Manager: Mr. Zhang, Bin-Che
Agilent Technologies Hong Kong Branch
24 F, Cityplaza One, 1111 Kings Road
Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong
Tel: 852-652157609
Fax: 852-652726037
UNITECH Colombia
Calle 38, #45-46
Barranquilla, Colombia
Tel: +57-5-340-8536
Fax: +57-5-340-7536
Website: www.UNITECHusa.com
Khymós S.A.
Carrera 19C No 86-23
Bogota, Colombia
Ph (57-1) 691 3111
Fax (57-1) 617 0403
Casa Cientifica
Carrera 27A 49ª41
Bogota, Colombia
Tel: +571-3126310
Fax: +571-3126304
Email: casacam@casacientifica.com
Website: www.casacientifica.com
Costa Rica
Orgoma S.A.
El Carmen de Paso Anco
175 Mts al Este, San Jose, Costa Rica
Tel: 506-226-0906
Fax: 506-226-0408
Email: orgoma@racsa.co.cr
UNITECH Costa Rica
200 metros Norte Y 10 metros Oeste
del Restaurante La Casona del Pueblo
San Antonio de Coronado, Casa #123
San Jose, Costa Rica
Telefax: +506-294-0768
Website: www.UNITECHusa.com
P.O. Box 2733-1000
Hacienda Vieja Curridabat
San Jose, Costa Rica
Tel: 506-272-3700
Fax: 506-272-0460
Email: biocien@racsa.co.cr
Guerrero Martinez 519 y P.P. Gomez
Urdaneta, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Tel: +593-4-236-0976
Fax: +593-4-237-4435
Website: www.UNITECHusa.com
European Territories
LCTech GmbH
Bahnweg 41
D-84405 Dorfen, Germany
Tel: 49(0)-80 81-93 68-0
Fax: 49(0)-80 81-93 68-10
Email: info@lctech.de
Analitica Quimica
P.O. 750, Km 15.5 Carretera
Roosevelt Zona 11, Centro Comercial Molino Local 22
Guatemala Ciudad, Guatemala
Tel: 502-2-435-5360
Fax: 502-2-435-4464
Email: anaqui@guate.net
9 CALLE 15-45 ZONA 13, Edificio Plaza Trafalgar
Guatemala, C. A. 01013
Tel: +(502)384 8181
Fax: +(502)384 8111
Email: recepcion_daq@ipesa.com
Spinco Biotech PVT LTD
No. 4 Vaidyaram Street
T. Nagar, Madras – 600 017 India
+91 44 2434 01 74 phone
+91 44 2434 07 61 Fax
PT. Perkindo Mitra Analitika
Komplek Graha Kencana Blok BH
JI. Raya Pejuangan 88 Kebon
Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
Tel: 62-21-5332449
Fax: 62-21-53673916
Email: perkindo@cbn.net.id
Manbar Tech
17A Lazarov Street
Rishon Le-Zion, 75106 Israel
Tel: 972-3-9512020
Fax: 972-3-9511099
Young Lin Instrument Co. Ltd.
899-6 Hogye 2-dong, Dongan-gu,
Anyang-si, Kyonggi-do, 431-836 Korea
Tel: 82-15443744
Fax: 82-31-4673770
In Sung Chroma-Tech Co. Ltd.
In Sung Bldg., 89-106, Shinjung 2-Dong, Yangcheon-Ku, Seoul, Korea
Tel: 82-2-2644-1991
Fax: 82-2-2644-1996
Interface Engineering Co. Ltd.
8F, BMS Building, 829, Yeoksam-dong,
Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea, 135-936
Tel: 82-2-4002605
Fax: 82-2-4060762
Email: ckjoo@interface.co.kr
Fisher Scientific (M) Sdn Bhd.
No. 3, Jalan Sepadu 25/123
Taman Perindustrian Axis, Seksyen 25
40400 Shah Alam, Darul Ehsan
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: 60-3-5228888
Fax: 60-3-5218899
ABC Instrumentación Analítica S.A. de C. V,
Tigre No.33 Col. Actipan del Valle
C.P. 03230 México DF.
Tel: 01 55 5524-2208
Fax: 01 55 5534-4107
Website: www.abcia.com.mx
Email: ventasvap@abcia.com.mx
Sintesis y Formulaciones de
Alta Tecnologia SA de CV
Olmo No. 32, Col. Valle de Pinos
54040 Tlainepantla
Edo. De Mexico, Mexico
Tel: 52-55-53975008
Fax: 52-55-53976658
Email: sifatec@webtelmex.net.mx
Perkin Elmer de Mexico S.A.
Macedonio Alcal No. 54
Col. Guadalupe Inn
Mexico D.F., 01020 Mexico
Tel: 52-55-56517077
Fax: 52-55-56607734
Varian S.A.
Concepcion Beistegui No. 109
Col. Del Valle, 3100 Mexico
Tel: 52-55-5239162
Fax: 52-55-5239472
New Zealand
Alphatech Systems & Co. Ltd.
P. O. Box 62613
Ellerslie South, 1131
Auckland, New Zealand
Telephone: ++64 9 580 1959
Fax: ++64 9 580 2044
Email: sales@alphatech.co.nz
Medtec Products Ltd.
Unit C, 8 Vega Place
Mairangi Bay, Aukland, New Zealand
Tel: 64-9-479-1068
Fax: 64-9-479-1450
Email: customer.service@medtec.co.nz
Promed S.A.
Urb. Industrial Costa del Este, Calle2da
Edificio Promed, Apartado 6281
Zona 5, Republic of Panama
Tel: 507-271-3149
Fax: 507-271-3164
Email: segundo@promed.com.pa
Cientifica Andina S.A.C.
Av. Dos De Mayo No. 276
Miraflores, Lima 18, Peru
Tel: 51-1-444-9983
Fax: 51-1-444-9937
Parque San Fernando, 141
La Perla Alta, Callao, Peru
Tel: +51-1-420-3804
Fax: +51-1-420-3660
Website: www.UNITECHusa.com
Sulabsa Suministros de Laboratorio S.A.
Jr. Santiago Antunez de Mayolo 160
Urb. Pablo Boner
Lima 12 – Perú
Tel +(511)349-8901
Fax: +(51)999.777.739
208 Pilar Street
Mandaluyong City, 1550 Philippines
Contact: Mr. Richard Tee
Tel: (632) 724-75-11
Fax: (632) 721-07-39
Email: sales@dakila.com
Agilent Technologies
Asia Pacific Service Centre
CSA for Life Science &
Chemical Analysis Group
Tel: 65-62157607
Fax: 65-62157925
Perkin Elmer Asia
29, International Business Park
#03-04/06, Acer Bldg, Tower B
609923 Singapore
Tel: 65-8962136
Fax: 65-8962146
Agilent Technologies Singapore (Sales) Pte Ltd
Life Sciences and Chemical Analysis
1 Yishun Avenue 7
Singapore 768923
Tel: +65-6377-1688 – Main line
(ask for LSCA Sales)
Fax: +65-6822-8247
South Africa
Anatech Instruments
13 Langwa Street
Strydompark Randburg, South Africa
Tel: 27-11-7923300
Fax: 27-11-7923363
Email: sales@anatech.co.za
Chemetrix Pty Ltd.
Block J, Central Park, 400 16th Road
Midrand, South Africa
Tel: 27-11-5419801
Fax: 27-11-5419802
Inpac International Corp.
12F, No. 79 Sec. 1 Hsin Hai Road
Taipei, R.O.C. 106 Taiwan
Tel: 886-2-23637996
Fax: 886-2-23923975
Email: inpac@ms10.hinet.net
Analab Corporation
6F-2, No. 181 Sec. 2 Changan East Road
Taipei, R.O.C. Taiwan
Tel: 886-227-766931
Fax: 886-227766932
Email: analab@ms46.hinet.net
Vercotech Inc.
6F No. 7-1 An Hsing Road, Hsin Tien
Taipeishien 231, R.O.C. Taiwan
Tel: 886-2-22113939
Fax: 886-2-22115522
Email: vercopak@ms5.hinet.net
Fortune Scientific Co, Ltd.
7/25 Phaholyothin Road
Anusawaree, Bangkhen,
Bangkok 10220, Thailand
Tel: 0-2986-1250
Fax: 0-2986-1243,0-2986-1255
Email: sales@fortunesci.com
Website: www.fortunesci.com
Perkin Elmer Ltd.
290 (1st floor), Raintree Office Garden
Soi Japanese School, Rama 9 Road
Khwang Bangkapi, Khet Huay Khwang
Bangkok, 10320 Thailand
Tel: 66-2-3197901
Fax: 66-2-3197900
Executive Trading Limited
55/194-5 Moo 6, Soi Yothin Phattana, Pradit Manutham Road, Latphrao
Bangkok 10230 Thailand
Tel: 662-5150150
Fax: 662-5150144
Email: exec@ji-net.com
Pablo Ferrando S.A.
P.O. Box 370, Avda Italia 2877
Montevideo, 11600 Uruguay
Tel: 598-2-4872586
Fax: 598-2-4870131
Email: ferrando@netgate.com.uy
José Mazzini 3109
11600 Montevideo Uruguay
Ph.: (+598) 2480 9361 / 2487 5837
email: ridaline@ridaline.com
Website: www.ridaline.com
Gabriel Pereira 2841 Apto. 601
11300 Montevideo, Uruguay
Tel / Fax: 598-2-709-6955
Email: info@asm.com.uy
United States
Chrom Tech, Inc.
PO Box 240248
Apple Valley, MN 55124 Tel: 800-822-5242 or 952-431-6000
Fax: 952-431-6345
Email: sales@chromtech.com
Website: www.chromtech.com
Fisher Scientific International Inc.
Customer Service & Sales Support
Tel: 800-766-7000
Website: www.fisherscientific.com
P.J. Cobert Associates, Inc.
PO Box 460046
St. Louis, MO 63146
Tel: 800-972-4766 or 314-993-2390
Fax: 314-993-2491
Email: cobert@cobertassoc.com
Website: www.cobertassoc.com
Phanco P.R.
PO Box 10464
Granada Hill 1-A
Ponce, PR 00732
Tel: 787-844-7371
Fax: 787-843-0657
Email: phancopr@hotmail.com
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments
7102 Riverwood Drive
Columbia, MD 21046
Tel: 800-477-1227
Email: webmaster@shimadzu.com
Website: www.shimadzu.com
Thomson Instrument Company
1121 South Cleveland Street
Oceanside, CA 92054
Tel: 800-541-4792 or 760-757-9182
Fax: 760-757-9367
Email: folks@hplc1.com
Website: www.hplc1.com
3015 Barrow Drive
Raleigh, NC 27616
Tel: 866-424-7661 or 919-872-5700
Fax: 919-872-5738
Bodman Industries
PO Box 2421
Aston, PA 19014
Tel: 800-241-8774 or 610-459-5600
Fax: 610-459-8036
Email: sales@bodman.com
Website: www.bodman.com
Government Scientific Source, Inc.
8460 Tyco Road
Vienna, VA 22182
Tel: 800-248-8030 or 703-734-1805
Fax: 703-734-1803
Email: sales@govsci.com
Website: www.govsci.com
Perkin Elmer Corporation
710 Bridgeport Avenue
Shelton, CT 06484-4794
Tel: 800-762-4000 or 203-925-4600
Fax: 203-925-4654
Email: info@perkinelmer.com
Website: www.perkinelmer.com
631 Executive Drive
Winter Park, FL 32789
Tel: 800-433-6865 or 407-647-4900
Fax: 407-644-4355
Email: jimwscicon1@cs.com
Website: www.scicon.net
Thompson Instruments
354 Tyler Rd.
Clear Brook, VA 22624
Tel: 540-667-7044
Fax: 540-667-6878
Email: info@hplc.com
VWR International
1310 Goshen Parkway
West Chester, PA 19380
Tel: 800-932-5000
Email: solutions@vwr.com
Website: www.vwr.com
Corporacion Cientifica Venezolana
C.A. Comercial
Libertador Piso 1 Ofc. 1-2
Caracas, 1070 Venezuela
Tel: 58-2-127614757
Fax: 58-2-127623050
Email: ccvjharb@telcel.net.ve
Agilent Technologies de Venezuela
Life Science & Chemical Analysis Group
Tel: 58-2-122094609
Fax: 58-2-122094618
Tramat Co., Ltd.
12 Hang Duong Street
Hanoi, Vietnam
Contact: Le Viet Huong – Sales Manager
Email: huong_leviet@tramat.com.vn
Tel: +84-4-38281631
Fax: +84-4-39283289
Office email: info@tramat.com.vn
Website: http://www.tramat.com.vn
Our dedicated professionals manufacture and sell the instruments, columns and chemistry direct and through 87 distributors worldwide. Applications include analysis of Carbamate, Glyphosate and Amino Acids.