Vacuum Manifold For Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)
The SPE vacuum manifold EluVac is designed for enriching and isolating analytes with solid phase extraction (SPE). It allows simultaneous handling of up to 20 samples with controlled, reproducible flow rate.
The EluVac can be used universally for clean-up of food, feed and environmental samples and in the fields of pharmaceuticals, medicine, biotechnology and materials research.
Feature Highlights
Feature Highlights
- Lab scale throughput improvements
- Consistent clean-up with comparable results: The vacuum can be regulated for the whole system using the provided column valves for each column.
- Adaptable to many applications: Several racks for a variety of vials (from 1 mL to 100 mL) to collect eluates
- Easy switching: Switch from ”Inject” to “Load” by simply moving the lid
- Handling of large volume eluates: Up to 100 mL per sample
- Suitable for rotary evaporator bottles up to 100 mL
- Handling of large sample loading volumes up to 1000 mL sample prep product line
Sets for Mycotoxin Analysis
Mycotoxins are metabolites that are produced by molds, e.g. during inappropriate storage. They pose serious health risk to the consumer; that is why reliable analysis is necessary. This manifold set perfectly fits sample preparation for this kind of analysis. The samples are eluted via immunoaffinity columns into 4 mL or GC vials. For larger sample volumes, special reservoirs are available..
Pricing & Ordering
Vladimir's Zen Cart table will be inserted here…
Further recommended accessories: 4 mL vials (P/N V0004, 100 pieces/pack), vacuum pump