ACIL Annual Meeting, San Diego, California

The American Council of Independent Laboratories (ACIL) show in San Diego, California on October 9-12, was a new opportunity for Pickering Laboratories to introduce ourselves to the principals of these independent laboratories during their annual networking meeting.

The meeting was a great opportunity to visit with existing customers, but also to make new contacts in the Environmental testing industry. At the meeting we had information on our mainstay applications and also presented our new GPC Cleanup Instruments and other new products to prospective customers.

Rebecca Smith reports that the meeting was a success in terms of networking, scientific and educational talks.

Our new Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) line continues to perform well. We have both automated and manual GPC cleanup systems and we also have systems that include concentration & solvent exchange. Sample cleanup using GPC is especially useful for fatty matrices, but also perfect for vegetable matter and spices, as well as soil & waste water.

Our next show is Pittcon 2011 on March 13-18 in Atlanta, Georgia.

You can read more about the ACIL at their website: