By Mike Gottschalk
PITTCON 2011 – Atlanta, Georgia:
Pickering Laboratories is building on the success of the LCTech product line with the introduction of the new GPC VARIO III, a fast and flexible instrument for Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and upgradeable for automated sample preparation using SPE.
The GPC VARIO III is completely re-designed to optimize every component of XYZ Robot arm technology for faster processing and feature-rich flexibility. Highlighted is the innovative arm technology that handles the processing of samples.
The integrated software allows for easy setup with drag and drop icons for even complex multi-step processes for volumes of 1mL to 1Liter . The modular design enables processing scalability and flexibility to standard columns, bottle and vial sizes.
Another GPC instrument, GPC Quattro will be shown. This popular 4 column GPC is designed for concurrent operation of 4 columns providing the faster throughput and flexible programming.
For Post-Column applications the new Pinnacle PCX Sigma series instrument featuring faster Amino Acid Analysis and new software features is being introduced as an update to our line of derivatization instruments. The small yet powerful UVE photochemical reactor for Aflatoxin analysis will also be shown.
Pickering Laboratories will be introducing new post-column methods for Hexavalent Chromium (Chrom-6), Aflatoxin in herbal products. As part of the AFFCO and AOAC lab committee collaboration Pickering Labs developed our new method for the effective analysis of Sugars in feeds with existing and additive sugars.
With increasing interest in Chromium 6 in drinking water this year, Pickering Laboratories is publishing an updated Chromium 6 method demonstrating definitive yet easy analysis.
Pickering Lab’s technical liaison director Laszlo Torma is a member of the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) laboratory committee. The work of the committee and collaborating with AOAC has resulted in new methods for analysis of Mycotoxins in many herbal products including ginger, ginseng, Echinacea.
Come to Booth 1767 at Pittcon to see and hear about the exciting work going on at Pickering Laboratories.