Notice of Backwards Compatible Board for Pinnacle Users

The new Sigma Series Pinnacle PCX has rolled out with a lot of new features. A new Electronic Control Board is included to support many of these features. You will notice that the new boards are blue in color and have a USB connection replacing the RS-232 connection.

Customers with the older Delta Series Pinnacle PCX will have to purchase a backwards compatible board if they experience a board failure.

The backwards compatible board will have a slightly different relay connector to fit properly in the old chassis. The backwards compatible boards will have the most recent firmware, software, and also include a USB cable. Make sure to have your Pinnacle PCX Serial Number handy when ordering a replacement board.

Part Number


Serial Numbers


Replacement board for Delta Series Pinnacle PCX

before 0510308


Replacement board for the Sigma Series Pinnacle PCX

after 0610300

David Mazawa

Technical Support Chemist
(650)694-6700 x710