Glyphosate Use is Increasing

-By Laszlo  Torma

Glyphosate is a commonly used Herbicide worldwide. Here in the United States, it is more commonly known by it’s trade name, RoundUp*.

The South American Crop Protection Monthly Report (August, 2012) predicts strong demand of glyphosate use during the current growing season in Brazil and other South American countries. The combination of aggressive planting of GM soybeans and the increase in planting area of soybean will stimulate the demand for glyphosate use. Brazil is one of the biggest agriculture producers in the world and is also a GM crop production country. In Brazil almost 80% of soybeans are GM soybeans. Roundup Ready soybeans can not only reduce the production cost, but also increase the soybean yield.

What does this mean to the South American analytical laboratories? As the glyphosate use increases, analysis for glyphosate and AMPA likely will increase. Pickering Laboratories analytical method for glyphosate and AMPA in crops is sensitive for low levels of detection and rugged. Sample preparation and cleanup with the cation –exchange column is simplified and the reliable ion exchange post column derivatization analytical protocol can be utilized for overnight runs for increased laboratory production.

For complete method details please visit our website at, or click on the link below to download the application note:

MA207_Glyphosate in soy beans

Pickering Laboratories, Inc.
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*RoundUp is a trademark of the Monsanto company,