By Rebecca Smith
It is my great pleasure to introduce Christopher Nguyen, our new Production Manager, via newsletter to all of our customers, vendors and distributors! When the pandemic quarantine finally lifts and life resumes some semblance of normalcy, we hope to have the chance for some of you to get better acquainted with Christopher in person, perhaps at Pittcon… But in the meantime, this will have to do!
Christopher joined the team at the beginning of June and has quickly come up to speed here at Pickering Laboratories. Formerly, he managed a team of Inventory Control Specialists, so Christopher’s timing was impeccable as he arrived at Pickering with exactly 30 days to onboard before leading our annual physical inventory! Unlike myself, Christopher loves the art of inventory control, so he was an excellent fit for the task and really used the time to familiarize himself with both our products and our staff.
Coming from Caliva, there was some overlap between his previous role and our business, but Christopher definitely had a pretty steep learning curve when it came to supporting our customers! Good thing he’s able to connect really well with the staff and lean on them – as you know, we’re lucky to have a long-tenured production team who completely rock! Since we wrapped inventory up this summer, Christopher has been diving deep with Anita in packaging and Craig and Skip in the planning and procurement side of the business. He’s “all about supply chains,” which fits in perfectly with Pickering’s COVID-19 goal to be the strongest link for each of our customers to rely on during this challenging year.
In his free time (that “life” part of the work-life balance Pickering’s so proud of!), Christopher is a competitive bodybuilder! He is looking forward to his next competition, which was postponed from 2020 into 2021 due to the pandemic. He’s also interested in MMA, dogs and cars. But when you ask Christopher about his personal life, he’s super focused on his family. Such a great fit for our culture!

Welcome, Christopher! We’re looking forward to your many years of service to come… and to watching your adorable son grow up!