By Mike Gottschalk
November 20, 2014 – Hangzhou China. Pickering executives present to Ameritech’s Marketing Communications and Customer appreciation Meeting.
Ameritech is the largest distributor of Pickering Laboratories products in the world today. With 4 offices in China; Beijing, Tianjin, Hangzhou and Guangzhou. Together they supply the Chinese Agricultural Ministries and Regional governmental authorities with the Analytical Products from Pickering Laboratories. In fact the Chinese Agricultural Ministries regulation on Carbamate Analysis specifically requires Pickering Laboratories instrumentation. As the Chinese economy modernizes so does the analytical chemistry infrastructure to support the growing aspirations of the Chinese people.85 customers from all over China and 20 Ameritech employees participated in the two day presentations from Pickering Labs. Mike Gottschalk, Vice President of Marketing presented the history of the Ameritech and Pickering Laboratories collaboration that spans 23 years. Ameritech yearly sales have increasing each year reflecting the incredible growth of the Chinese acceptance of the testing protocols for Carbamates and Glyphosate.
Wendy Rasmussen, Director of Sales presented an in depth exploration of the Pinnacle PCX and Vector PCX Post-Column Derivatization instrumentation along with application-specific details. The Pinnacle PCX and the Vector PCX are designed to optimize the combination of Pickering Labs columns, reagents and instrumentation to enable remarkable analysis that no other company can copy.
“We visit China on a regular basis to support the incredible growth in China. Ten years ago there we masses of bicycles in the street , today only cars. The economy has grown that much during that time.”, said Wendy Rasmussen. She went on to describe the natural progression of market growth in china. “Herbal supplement applications is a new and developing market in the United States with so much of the raw materials coming from China. As the regulations in the US develop, the analytical testing in China grow to match.”
Before traveling to Hangzhou, we were fortunate to have a long layover in Shanghai: