Also on display this year at Pittcon were the a couple of NEW! Mycotoxin clean-up columns available from Pickering Laboratories:
The immunoaffinity column AflaCLEAN SMART is designed for sample clean-up for subsequent Aflatoxin analysis.
This columns is smaller than the other counterparts on the market – it uses only a fraction of the solvent and yet has 100ng loading capacity as specified by the AOAC methods.
During extraction, dilution, washing, sample loading and elution, more than 80% of the solvents can be saved.
The final elution volume is only 400uL instead of the typical 2mL – and yet has the same final concentration as with other columns. As most methods inject only 20-50uL of sample onto the autosampler, this volume is more than enough for analysis.
These columns can also be used with the very convenient and affordable EluVac vacuum manifold.
If you would like additional information, please email us:
The DONeX column can be used in the sample preparation for the analysis of the mycotoxin Deoxynivalenol (Vomitoxin), which is often found on contaminated cereals and grains such as corn.
The column is ideally suited to many common matrices such as corn, barley, oat, wheat, rye or cereal-based feed. The advantage of DONex is that these columns can also be used with complex matrices and one can stll obtain excellent recovery rates.
DONeX is used with a sample load of 1 g for HPLC / post column / fluorescence detection or LC / MS. By increasing the matrix load up to 4 g on column, users with HPLC / UV detection systems can reach detection limits as low as 200 ppb.
Unlike our other Mycotoxin clean-up columns, DONeX is not an immunoaffinity column, and so it can be stored on the shelf and has an undefined shelf-life.
The DONeX clean-up column is based on a 3mL standard form and thus perfectly suitable for automated handling in the LCTech systems AcceCLEANTM and FREESTLYETM SPE.
If you are interested in any additional information or would like to try a sample, please send us an email: