Category Archives: product testing

PTS Product Updates for April 2020

Dear Valued Customer,

We continue to receive almost-daily inquiries from customers for new types of Product Testing Solutions, resulting in both proprietary and open market formulations being created. As our product line expands, we will be reaching out to you via our Newsletter for periodic product updates and announcements. You can also check our PTS website for up-to-date product information.

This Artificial Saliva is formulated according to ISO 10271-2011 standard procedure. ISO 10271-2011 specifies the method for corrosion testing for metallic material in dental devices. The solution should be stored in the refrigerator and has a 1-year shelf life. The pH of the solution is 2.3.
1700-0313 Artificial Saliva, ISO 10271-2011, Not Stabilized, each (200 mL/bottle)

This ready-to-use solution closely resembles the mineral composition of natural saliva and can be used for testing a wide variety of products, including dental metal alloys. The modified formulation has added Potassium Thiocyanate to achieve better stability at higher pH and make it more similar to human saliva This product is manufactured to customer-requested pH and it can be stored at room temperature.
1700-0314 Artificial Saliva, Modified Fusayama/Mayer, Custom pH (up to 6.5), Stabilized, each (200 mL/bottle)

This formulation is used to determine corrosion (tarnishing, oxidation and surface penetration) resistance for gold alloy coverings on watch cases and accessories, including bracelets when they are permanently attached to the case. The solution is at pH 4.7 per ISO 3160 specifications and buffered for long-term pH stability.
1700-0537 Artificial Perspiration, ISO 3160 with added Pyruvic acid, buffered, Stabilized, each (200 mL/bottle) (minimum order quantity of 2 bottles)

Inspired by the ASTM D4265-98 method for staining, Eccrine Perspiration is emulsified with Artificial Sebum. Prepared without dust/dirt for a more universal application, this emulsion mimics non-exercise induced skin surface film liquids (SSFL). As SSFL, it can be used to test any topical use product or to test the stability of any article that will come in contact with human sweat. This product requires refrigeration to remain in solution and prevent rancidity.
1700-0549 Artificial Eccrine Sweat-Sebum Emulsion each (950 mL)

This solution is made according to ASTM D2322-00 and is used to test the resistance of shoe upper leather against perspiration. The pH of the solution is 7.5 and it is stable at room temperature.
1700-0550 Artificial Perspiration, ASTM D2322-00, Stabilized, each (200mL/bottle)

Artificial Urine is prepared according to the DIN EN 1616:1999 standard procedure. DIN EN 1616 specifies the method used to test sterile urethral catheters. This ready-to-use solution should be stored frozen to avoid bacteria growth. The pH of the solution is 6.6. 1700-0603 Artificial Urine, DIN EN 1616-1999, Not Stabilized, 19.8L

Substitute ocean water is prepared according to official ASTM method D1141-98. This product can be successfully used in a wide variety of tests where solutions simulating sea water are required, such as oil contamination testing, detergent evaluation and corrosion testing. The pH of the solution is 8.2 and it is ready-to-use. Product is stored at room temperature. Please inquire about different sizes.
1700-0804 Synthetic Hard Water, custom hardness, ASTM E1945-02, each (200 mL/bottle)

Contact Pickering Laboratories’ Technical Support team at with any questions or comments.

Best regards,
David Mazawa

Artificial Perspiration Buyers Guide

pt-home-image-2By David Mazawa

How do I choose the artificial perspiration that’s right for me?

Makers of smart watches, high performance textiles, biosensors, heads up displays, and fitness monitors all have one thing in common – the need to test their products for quality assurance. Personal electronics and wearable technology manufacturers perform sweat testing on materials including touch screens, watchbands, keyboards, eyeglasses, and any other product material or surface that would benefit from guaranteed reproducible results with artificial perspiration. By using Pickering Laboratories’ artificial eccrine perspiration, our customers are able to save time and ensure the same repeatable results anywhere, anytime.

Normally,a sweat mimic is prepared at the time of the test according to an industry specific formula. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) describes procedures to test many products in the presence of a sweat mimic. According to Michael Pickering, Founder/Owner of Pickering Laboratories, “we were guided by the multiplicity of such tests to develop an artificial perspiration that can yield reproducible results independent of the test.”

Pickering Artificial Eccrine Perspiration is the closest mimic available to acld--perspiration-grouptual eccrine perspiration, and we prepare two versions. The stabilized version has a preservative which prevents microbial growth and can then be stored at room temperature. The non stabilized version has no preservative and must be kept frozen until you intend to use it. You may need this version if you are testing a product that claims to prevent microbial growth or odor from perspiration. Our Artificial Eccrine Perspiration normally comes at pH 4.5, however, we can make it custom from pH 3.0 – 9.0.

1700-0020 – Sweat, Stabilized 1700-0022 – Sweat, Not Stabilized
1700-0021 – Sweat, custom pH, Stabilized 1700-0023 – Sweat custom pH, Not Stabilized

Are you required to follow a specific testing method? If so, we may already carry the exact artificial perspiration formula for that particular method. If you don’t see it on this list, please contact us with a copy of your method and we will investigate making it for you.

Testing Methods:
ISO 3160
ISO 105-B07
AATCC Test Method 15
ISO 1164
ISO 12870
DN 53160-2
BS EN 1811

Please email us at or call (650) 694-6700 with any questions you may have.

Our Product Testing Solutions products can now also be found on!

David Mazawa
Technical Support Chemist

New! Product Testing Solutions

Pickering Laboratories Launches Product Testing Website

Building on the history of providing chemistry to the clinical and environmental market Pickering Laboratories has developed a line of Artificial Body Fluids for the Product Testing market.

Manufacturers of consumer and medical products test for compatibility with human fluids for safety as well as durability.  Multiple standard organizations specify the composition of these artificial body fluids for effective testing protocols. Pickering Laboratories developed the artificial perspiration, saliva and urine to these specifications for reliable and consistent product testing regimes.ld--perspiration-group

In 2009 Pickering Laboratories started offering artificial Perspiration at the request of Crime Science Incorporated a distributor of Law enforcement products. They wanted to provide an artificial perspiration product used as a control for finger print analysis called SwetCheck. Since then products as diverse as credit cards, textiles, eye glasses, guitar strings, electronics, cosmetics and more have requested the official specified solutions for their product testing needs. We continue to develop additional new solutions to requested standards

To better serve this market Pickering Laboratories is launching a website specifically for product testing solutions:

Product testing solutions are manufactured to official standards of ASTM, ACCTC, ISO, DIN as well as offering the most complete artificial perspiration available on the market today.